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SfN Global Connectome: A virtual conference

We are happy to announce that Gondola Medical Technologies participates at the SfN Global Connectome: A virtual conference organized by the Society for Neuroscience.

Tiffany Corbet, Clinical Field Scientist at Gondola Medical Technologies, presents on Monday, January 11, 2021, at this cross-cutting digital neuroscience event. In a 30-minute presentation, she shares the abstract titled: “The effect of tactile somatosensory therapies in walking rehabilitation after neurological condition: a systematic review.”

After a neurological condition, walking often required compensatory strategies to face the disability. The walk becomes less automatic and necessitates more attention. One strategy to facilitate walking strategies is through the use of somatosensory stimulation. This review highlights the possibility of using tactile somatosensory therapies for walking rehabilitation. Interestingly, Gondola AMPS seems to be especially promising to improve walking function in patients with a neurological disorder.

Tiffany, best wishes from the whole team for your presentation!


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