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News and Updates on Parkinson's Disease

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  • Parkinson
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Rigidity in Parkinson’s and Gondola AMPS effective in treatment

Muscle rigidity in Parkinson’s disease: therapies and exercises

Muscle rigidity in Parkinson’s and post-stroke can impair mobility, making daily movements difficult and affecting quality of life.

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Parkinson progression slowing

Slowing the progression of Parkinson’s disease: is it possible?

Explore if slowing the progression of Parkinson’s is possible through innovative therapies, physical exercise, and personalized approaches to improve quality ...

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Parkinson’s and hiking: how to do it safely

Hiking with Parkinson’s: tips for a safe adventure

Parkinson’s and hiking: Here’s how to best prepare for a safe hike, from the right clothing to choosing appropriate trails, ...

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parkinson and returning to work

Back to the grind: navigating your routine with Parkinson’s

Getting back to a daily routine with Parkinson's can be a challenge, but with gradual planning and the right strategies, ...

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Gondola Home is easy to use and makes patients independent

Gondola AMPS: to improve the quality of life with Parkinson’s

Gondola AMPS is an innovative therapy for Parkinson's that improves mobility and quality of life for patients through mechanical foot ...

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Parkinson's cure: New hopes

Discovered a new gene associated with Parkinson’s: a new hope for research and therapy

An international team has discovered a mutation in the RAB32 gene associated with Parkinson's. This discovery opens new possibilities for ...

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Parkinson's Symptoms Optimal Nutrition

Nutrition and Parkinson’s Disease: Tips for a Healthy Diet

Exploring how a well-balanced diet and healthy eating habits can improve the quality of life for Parkinson's patients, optimizing treatment ...

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Parkinson's, important to engage in physical activity

Parkinson symptoms: the positive impact of physical activity

In this article, we explore how physical exercise can improve the quality of life of patients with Parkinson's, positively affecting ...

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How to Recognize Movement Disorders

Movement Disorders: Causes and Types

Causes, symptoms, and treatment options for movement disorders: let's explore the latest innovations in research and technology together.

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Welcome to the News section of Gondola Medical, your go-to resource for the latest news and insights on Parkinson’s disease. In this section, we cover a wide range of topics relevant to patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.

You will find articles dedicated to exercise and Parkinson’s, where you can discover the benefits of physical activity in managing symptoms and receive practical advice on how to incorporate specific exercises into your daily routine. We delve into the topic of freezing of gait, exploring the causes of this common symptom and the available therapies to improve mobility. Patient testimonials, who have experienced significant improvements in their quality of life thanks to Gondola AMPS therapy, offer a real and encouraging perspective.

We analyze the impact of Parkinson’s on social interactions and work abilities, offering suggestions on how to cope with these daily challenges. Stay updated on global and local initiatives for World Parkinson’s Day, with details on important events and conferences. We provide information on exercises and therapies to address bradykinesia, improving movement and motor control.

A comprehensive review of AMPS therapy highlights its benefits in managing gait problems related to Parkinson’s. Additionally, we explore the complementary role of Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation (AMPS) and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in the treatment of advanced Parkinson’s. Finally, we offer information on new calls for the purchase of technologically advanced aids, including Gondola AMPS devices, to support disabled people or their families.

Browse our news to stay informed about the latest discoveries and innovative solutions in Parkinson’s treatment, with the aim of improving your daily life and that of your loved ones.