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A New Movement Disorder Treatment Arrives in France!

Introducing GONDOLA, the new treatment for gait disorders such as Parkinson’s, stroke, originating from southern Switzerland.

The therapy was discovered in 1997 by Dr. Stefano Tassin. It involves mechanical stimulation of the peripheral system, sending signals to the brain to activate certain areas involved in movement. This results in improvements in walking symptoms like motor blocks, bradykinesia, and freezing of gait.

Initially, the therapy was manually performed by Dr. Tassin. However, by 2012, in collaboration with a team of designers, a device was developed to administer the treatment autonomously.

Following an initial setup by a specialized operator, patients can then continue the treatment independently at home.

Various clinical studies confirm the effectiveness of GONDOLA therapy

The development of the GONDOLA device also facilitated independent clinical studies to investigate the therapy’s effectiveness and mechanism more thoroughly.
Clinical studies have shown improvements in walking speed and stability through clinical tests like TUG. They also noted the activation of brain areas involved in movement, which were inactive before GONDOLA stimulation.

The initial studies focused on Parkinson’s disease, but benefits were also observed in other conditions like stroke, peripheral neuropathies (charcot-marie-tooth, myelopathies), spastic paraplegia, cerebral palsy in children, and many other conditions causing gait disorders.

GONDOLA centers and new openings

For several years, collaborations have been established with centers in Switzerland and Italy. Currently, efforts are underway to introduce this treatment in France, Germany, Canada, and America.

We are excited to announce a new partnership with a French center near Paris.

For more information or to schedule a meeting, please call us at +41 (0)91 921 38 38 or write through the contact area.

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