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Building clinical research momentum with 500’000 CHF Tech Growth loan from FIT

Clinical research and studies demonstrate Gondola AMPS therapy’s effectiveness for people with neurological disease to move better and live better. The CHF 500’000 Tech Growth loan from the Fondation pour l’Innovation Technologique (FIT), supports Gondola Medical Technologies to develop their clinical research capabilities further.

From start-up to scale-up

Gondola Medical Technologies is a Swiss MedTech company based at Biopôle in the Canton of Vaud, currently employing 16 people. Founded in 2011, Gondola celebrates its ten-year anniversary in 2021. Establishing a complementary side-effects-free and non-invasive treatment form comes with its challenges and takes time to mature. In 2014 it was awarded the StartCup price as the most innovative company in Ticino. Since 2019 it raised a total of 4 million Euro (equity and loans), including a 2.5 million Euro grant from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and a first installment of CHF 200’000 from the Fondation pour l’Innovation Technologique (FIT)

Backed by science: clinical expertise and research

The claim backed by science demonstrates Gondola Medical Technologies’ commitment to scientific rigor. The raised funds of CHF 500’000 Tech Growth loan from FIT come in two installments, CHF 200’000 upfront and CHF 300’000 based on a milestone plan submitted to FIT’s Selection Committee. Gondola Medical Technologies dedicates these funds to research and development, which includes growing their clinical research team and studies.

Francesco Cecchini, CEO states: “Building a capable team – I like to use the word Gondola Dream Team – is one of the most challenging and also rewarding tasks. Having a solid clinical team that shows that we are backed by science was and is decisive for us as a scale-up therapeutic company”.

Clinical studies show the benefits of Gondola AMPS therapy for Parkinson’s disease patients. It is the ambition to validate the treatment also for other neurological disorders such as stroke. Besides international collaborations, Gondola Medical Technologies entertains an active exchange with CHUV in Lausanne to explore future joint research activities.

AMPS therapy: walking therapy for neurological disorders

Mobility and walking rehabilitation are the critical unmet needs for patients with neurological disorders. Walking abilities are an essential factor for patients’ quality of life and are inherently correlated to physical health and independence level. Improving mobility is the key objective in rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease and other neurological diseases such as stroke.

Gondola Medical Technologies strives to make the Gondola AMPS therapy standard of care in treating walking and balance impairments due to neurological disorders. The Gondola Medical Device is internationally patented and CE-marked. The Gondola AMPS therapy works with mechanical pressure pulses applied in two specific areas of both feet, the head of the big toe and the first metatarsal joint. It is a two-minute therapy with instant-on results that is documented in 12 scientific publications with more than 230 Parkinson’s disease patients. Gondola AMPS treatment’s documented benefits provide significant improvements in walking abilities for speed, stride length, gait variability, and turning. Beneficial effects are apparent immediately after a single AMPS treatment and can remain on average two to four days. Continual use allows to maintain benefits long-term.

The Gondola Home Device allows patients to benefit from therapy at their home’s convenience, enjoying maximum benefits with a two-minute treatment.

Strategic outlook

In March 2021, Gondola Medical Technologies obtained enlarged indication for use in the CE certificate, from Parkinson’s disease to patients with neurological disorders experiencing walking and balance impairments. It is currently building strategic partnerships with a significant institution in the US, leading private clinics in Switzerland and fostering relations with patients’ associations. These endeavors are likewise supported by adding key competencies and skills to Gondola Medical Technologies’ team, operationally in daily business and its scientific advisory board.

2021 is another milestone year for Gondola Medical Technologies as a company to scale and secure its next financing round. The granted international patent for the Gondola Medical Device, the upcoming application for FDA De Novo marketing approval for the US market, clinical studies in Germany and the US are clear indicators for its commitment to grow internationally. Strategically, the set-up of a scientific advisory board with internationally acknowledged opinion leaders and the focus on the reimbursability of the Gondola AMPS therapy for freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease shape the company’s direction.

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