Reduced risk
of falling
Reduced risk of falling and increased functionality and independence in daily life activities through the amelioration of multiple clinical parameters
A single session of AMPS is sufficient to significantly increase walking (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9) and stride (3) speed. Effects are maintained on long-term when multiple sessions are delivered.
A decrease in TUG time = risk of falls is reduced ; Ref 2 of Galli et al 2015 reports that TUG test can be used to distinguish fallers from non fallers; a longer TUG time (16 sec) is independently associated with an increased risk of falls in PD patients; ref 9 did not make any TUG assessment, but came to the same conclusion in the discussion – so I would keep the claim here.
Decreased % of time spent in the phase of gait with both feet supporting walking (3).