1.      Barbic et al 2014
2.      Galli et al 2015
3. Â Â Â Â Stocchi et al 2015
4.      Kleiner et al 2015
5.      Quattrocchi et al 2015
6.      Galli et al 2018
7.      Pagnussat et al 2018
8.      Pinto et al 2018
9.    Kleiner et al 2018Â
10.   Zamuner et al 2019
11.   Pagnussat et al 2020

Parkinsonian Gait
Characterized by slowness, short steps, reduced angular kinematics range of motion and/or asymmetries in gait. Acute and long-term AMPS treatment significantly improve multiple aspects of gait in PD patients with or without Freezing of Gait and ameliorates the shuffling steps gait pattern. (Performance assessed by 10 meter walking test, wearable sensors…)
A single session of AMPS is sufficient to significantly increase walking (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10) and stride (3) speed. Effects are maintained on long-term when multiple sessions are delivered.
Multiple clinical studies reported a significant increase in step (3, 6, 8, 9) and stride (3, 4, 7, 8) length following acute and long-term AMPS administration. Positive correlation with general improvement of clinical status (H&Y) (4)
number of steps/minute. Measured by Stocchi et al, became comparable to the healthy control group after 6 AMPS sessions (3).
Significantly increased swing velocity and swing phase following both acute and long-term AMPS (3).
Increased kinematic angles range of motion during gait (6) and hip rotation (8).
1.      Barbic et al 2014
2.      Galli et al 2015
3. Â Â Â Â Stocchi et al 2015
4.      Kleiner et al 2015
5.      Quattrocchi et al 2015
6.      Galli et al 2018
7.      Pagnussat et al 2018
8.      Pinto et al 2018
9.    Kleiner et al 2018Â
10.   Zamuner et al 2019
11.   Pagnussat et al 2020
1.      Barbic et al 2014
2.      Galli et al 2015
3.      Kleiner et al 2015
4.      Stocchi et al 2015
5.      Quattrocchi et al 2015
6.      Galli et al 2018
7.      Kleiner et al 2018
8.      Pinto et al 2018
9.    Prusch et al 2018
10.   Pagnussat et al 2018
11.   Zamuner et al 2019
12.   Pagnussat et al 2020