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Gondola AMPS is a medical therapy that improves walking impairments caused by neurological disorders such as stroke, Parkinson’s Disease and CIPN.
The therapy
Gondola® AMPS (Automated Mechanical Peripheral Stimulation) is intended to be used by the neurologist as an add-on treatment for walking impairments caused by neurological disorders like Parkinson’s or stroke.
For this reason, any other treatment, including medication, must be continued in accordance with what has been prescribed by the doctor. Failure to do so might compromise the therapeutic outcomes of the AMPS therapy.
The patient must book two evaluation visits at a Specialized Gondola® Center. During the appointments, they will be able to try Gondola AMPS therapy and evaluate the outcomes. The benefits of the stimulation are, like those of any treatment, individual. However, they are usually immediately visible and last two to five days, depending on the individual response to the therapy.
The benefits are immediately visible right after the first therapy session. Therefore, the patients and their caregivers can see immediately whether the therapy is effective.
If the therapy is effective, the improvements tend to stabilize through repetition of the treatment over time (generally 2-3 times a week).
If the therapy is discontinued, patients tend to regress to their condition before the first therapy session within a few weeks.
Each Gondola® AMPS stimulation session provides benefits that last an average of 2 to 5 days before another treatment is necessary.
The patients must repeat the treatment constantly (usually 2-3 times a week) to maintain the benefits. However, recalibrations of the device may be required to ensure steady results.
Patients affected by Parkinson’s who are undergoing drug treatments are familiar (as are their physicians and families) with their clinical condition; in particular, they are aware of which motor symptoms persist despite their treatments.
The patients must assess Gondola® AMPS outcomes according to the recovery of their movement capabilities.
The technological innovation of Gondola® AMPS is based on stimulating the peripheral nervous system and, more precisely, bilateral plantar sensory/proprioceptive stimulation. Gondola® mechanically stimulates specific areas on both feet that cause improved activation of the areas of the brain related to movement control, sensory-motor integration and visuospatial information. A clinical study published in the scientific journal PlosOne documented this phenomenon. These findings help explain the stimulation effects in improving walking and balance impairments, reducing the risk of falling and helping manage Freezing of Gait episodes in Parkinson’s Disease.
The treatment provided by the Gondola AMPS therapy effectively improves the walking impairments caused by neurological disorders.
In particular, Gondola® AMPS can improve speed and dynamic balance, thus reducing the risk of falling, which is dangerous, especially in the late stages of the disease.
What’s more, it has been shown to be effective in helping to overcome faster the episodes of Parkinson’s freezing, also known as freezing of gait.
Gondola Medical Technologies is a young company with an innovative therapeutic approach and is, therefore, not part of the standard treatment procedures of neurologists. We are actively working on making Gondola AMPS therapy the standard of care and raising awareness among medical professionals. We have a scientific advisory board with key opinion leaders specialized in treating patients with neurological disorders.
Download our scientific information paper and share it with your medical doctor.
Gondola AMPS therapy is a new approach with solid scientific evidence. The mechanical stimulation applied by Gondola® medical device helps activate the motor control areas of the brain that are responsible for walking and balance: the treatment does not have any similarity with acupuncture, foot reflexology, or traditional Chinese practices.
Gondola® AMPS provides sustained long-term benefits. A reconfiguration of the device may be required to ensure effectiveness over time.
The device
Gondola® Home is a device that allows patients to do AMPS therapy independently and comfortably at home. However, it’s important to remember that it’s intended to be used as an add-on therapy. Thus, any other treatment, including medication, must be continued as the doctor prescribed. Failure to do so might compromise the therapeutic outcomes of the AMPS therapy.
Gondola is a medical device similar to a shoe, but it is designed to be used only during the treatment session. It lasts less than 2 minutes and must be repeated 2-3 times a week.
During the treatment, the patient must remain seated or lying, according to which device version they use for the therapy (Device User Manual reports more specific guidelines).
However, we provide each patient with detailed instructions.
During the first visit to a Specialized Gondola® Center, a professional will evaluate the patient’s condition and if their symptoms are compatible with the ones treated by Gondola AMPS therapy. Moreover, a complete therapy session will be performed during the 2 evaluation visits. If the benefits are significant, the patients can consider whether or not to purchase a Gondola® Home device.
Even though the Gondola® Professional device at the Partner Centers may look different, the same Gondola AMPS therapy is delivered through your Gondola® Home device. In fact, the Gondola® Home device is even more adapted to your specific needs, as we will have developed a personalized insole, and the device has been configured according to your anatomy.
Yes, the Gondola® Home device can be carried on a plane in the overhead compartment. The device comes in a small carrier bag upon purchase that you can use for travel. The light and convenient design of the Gondola® Home device allows you to take it with you wherever you go.
No, as the Gondola® Home device is a device adapted to each patient’s specific requirements, it cannot be shared with other patients.
The efficacy of Gondola AMPS therapy on the patient is assessed in 1 or 2 appointments at one of our partner centers. This allows us to evaluate the results and to configure a Gondola® Home device that is adapted to each patient’s needs. Purchasing the device is the only long-term therapy option
Sales Info
The Gondola® Home device is distributed and sold directly by Gondola Medical Technologies SA, a Swiss company specializing in devices and treatments for neurological rehabilitation.
First, you must book a visit to a Specialized Gondola Center to assess your response to the treatment. Then, if the outcomes are remarkable, you can contact Gondola Medical Technologies to adopt a personal Gondola® Home device.
After the purchase, the same Specialized Gondola Center will perform the first configuration of the Gondola® Home device based on the patient’s characteristics.
However, recalibrations of the device may be required to ensure steady results. Therefore, we suggest doing a device recalibration once a year at your Specialized Gondola Center.
For cost and other commercial information, please contact us by clicking here and filling out the form. Or you can call our number: +41 91 921 3838.
Gondola® is designed to meet each patient’s specific needs and characteristics. It is therefore designed for individual personal use and cannot be rented.
The Gondola® Home device is covered by the Gondola Medical Technologies legal warranty for conformity defects for two years from the date of delivery. There are no conventional or commercial warranties. Our Customer Care Team is available for any post-purchase assistance you may require.
Gondola® AMPS can improve motor symptoms during any stage of Parkinson’s.
However, a clinical study published in the journal Parkinson’s Disease highlighted a relationship between the patient’s disease severity and the improvement in stride length brought about by AMPS therapy. So, patients with a more deteriorated overall motor condition experienced more significant improvements from AMPS therapy. Therefore, patients in later Parkinson’s disease stages may show more remarkable outcomes from Gondola AMPS therapy.
Use of the Gondola® AMPS does not depend on the patient’s age and, where the symptoms are similar, is equally effective for the young and the elderly.
Yes, use of the Gondola AMPS therapy is not contraindicated for patients with an implanted DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) system or a pacemaker.
Since the treatment delivers mechanical stimulation, it does not interfere with DBS or pacemaker.
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